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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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Rock-Drill Developments

THE following notes, compiled in the first instance for the makers of rock-drIlls, were read by Mr. Hanton at a meeting of the Broken Hill Branch on 12th Septelnber, 1922. It was decided that all Broken Hill mines be asked to give their individual views on the subject, so that a comprehensive Broken Hill view could be published. Replies have been received from four (4), mines to date, and their'ideas fairly well coincide with those set out by Mr. Hapton. His notes were as follow:- "The Zinc Corporation Limited.NOTES ON ROCK-DRILL DEVELOPMENTSAs far as our present experience goes, the rock-drill developments on this mine will probably be something resembling the following. The programme is subject to modification or alteratian, according to circumstances. The results of further trials and improvements in present drills, and the design of new types, will, of course, affect any general scheme such as that outlined. It appears reasonably certain that the 3i-in. reciprocating drills which have done practically all the stoping up to date, will be gradually replaced by hammer drills of the internal water-feed type, and that the existing types of hammer drill on the mine will be converted into internal water-feed machines instead of being used as dry machine with outside jet.The ultimate types of machines will be four... Type 1 would be a machine equivalent to the Ingersoll Leyner: 248, Waugh Turbro, SullivaIi DX61, or Holman CH2. This would be used for driving, cross-cutting, and similar excavating work, and possiblyfor stoping also, and should be capable of efficiently working any class of ground. Features, apart from the general requirements set out later, would be the weight of the machine and mounting height of the machine above the seating (as this affects the convenience of boring back or bottom holes); absence of projections on the mounting which the air hose will foul as the machine is fed...
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 0.35 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0283

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