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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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Rock-Drill Steel Problem in Australia, With Some Suggested Steps to Its Solution

FOR some time past keen interest has been shown in both America and South Africa in the mining drill-steel problem. This interest has extended to Australian mining fields, and Australian drill users, ever desirous of increasing efficiency, are vigorously attacking the problem. The writer has recently been engaged in the investigation of the problem on two of ,the biggest mining fields in Australia, and has formed very definite conclusions concerning the causes of many drill-steel casualties. He puts these views forward in the hope that they may be of interest to, both drill manufacturers and drill users. The subject is here dealt with mainly from the aspect of the properties of the steel and the modifications of these properties whensubjected to various manipulations. It is generally admitted that the drilling machine has greatly increased in power and efficiency during recent years, and the consequence is that the machine is demanding better service from the steel. This is being impressed on the drill users by an increase in steel casualties. This fact has led many mining people to the view that the machine has developed so rapidly that the steel maker has not been able to keep pace, and that consequently the steel isfailing by fatigue 0:1; so-called crystallization. This view is rather depressing. The writer, on the other hand, is inclined to discountenance fatigue as a serious factor under good normal working conditions where the steel is carefully manufactured and supplied to the user under suitable structural and sound conditions, and has subsequently received kind treatment at the hands of the drill sharpener and the drill user.It is not reasonable to attribute failures to fatigue until it has definitely been proved that the steel is fundamentally sound and is in the best structural condition to resist the stresses it is called upon to withstand, and, this being so, that all fundamental principles of...
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 1.898 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0284

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