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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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The Hydrogen Roasting of Pyritic Ores with Recovery of Sulphur and Iron

IN the ordinary course of treatment of pyritic ores or concentrates, whether for the recovery of copper, tin, gold, or any other contents, the removal of some or all of the sulphur contents is almost invariably the first step. The practice is to roast the ore in a current of air so that the sulphur is oxidized to sulphur dioxide and the metal constituents are changed from sulphides to oxides. If it is feasible to produce sulphuric acid in conjunction with the treatment process, the sulphur can be usefully employed; but if this is not possible, then the sulphur contents not only become a dead loss, but tend to be a nuisance as well in the surrounding neighbourhood.The problem of avoiding this disadvantage and making economic use of the sulphur has had attention from the early days of scientific metallurgy, and in the past few years very special efforts have been made both to drive part of the sulphur as such from pyrites and recover it, and to replace the sulphur in the S02 by carbon, with the production of carbon dioxide and precipitation of the sulphur. So far economic success does not appear to have crowned these efforts. In the case of pyrites, of the two atoms of sulphur which go to make the FeS2, the first is very lightly held. Dissociation is effected by heat alone at a temperature which is given by Peters as 5160 C.Now, sulphur and hydrogen will unite or burn together, with the production of sulphuretted hydrogen. It occurred to the writer that, if hydrogen was passed over pyrites heated to the above temperature, this first atom would be snatched away by the hydrogen, and could possibly be economically recovered.The first step consisted of some simple laboratory experiments. From these it was found that this first atom was readily removed, and that the extraction was practically complete. Further, the reaction took place at a low temperature, a dull red heat being sufficient.
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 0.151 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0289

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