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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1923

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The Uses of Cadmium

ALTHOUGH discovered as long ago as 1817, by Strohmeyer, the use of cadmium did not become in anyway general for nearly a century. Its properties, although well known, did not recommend it to users of metals generally, and it was, on the whole, regarded more in the light of a nuisance to zinc producers than anything else. Its real value was not appreciated until both the United States of America and Germany, who are entirely dependent on outside sources for their supplies of tin, were faced with the unpleasant fact that their tin stocks were being rapidly depleted, with practically no prospect of having them replenished. This resulted in serious efforts being made in the UnIted States of America to conserve what tin was available, and, as a consequence, several metals were tried in the hope that they would prove satisfactory substitutes for tin. Among these was cadmium, and it was found that cadmium could replace tin in a manner sufficiently satisfactory to permit of its use in many directions where tin had been used before.It is on this ability of cadmium to replace tin that its use became in any way general at first; but since then new avenues of development have been opened up in which its physical and chemical properties are proving their value. It is highly probable that its use will extend very considerably as time goes on. OCCURRENCE OF CADMIUM.There are several cadmium minerals known, but none of them occur in profitable quantities as ores. The cadmium of commerce is derived almost entirely from zinc minerals and ores in which it is almost invariably present in proportions which are usually very small. Cadmium behaves metallurgically almost the same as zinc, and hence constitutes a fraction of 1% of almost all spelter.
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  • Published: 1922
  • PDF Size: 0.22 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1923_0291

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