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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1928

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1928

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Modern By-Product Coke Oven Practice

Although forty-seven years have passed since the by-product coke oven made its successful commercial appearance, it is only during the past fifteen or twenty years that this system of coal carbonisation has advanced rapidly to its present position ofabsolute supremacy.Early designs of by-product ovens proved more or less faulty, and the coke produced was so inferior to coke made in beehive ovens that there was a natural hesitancy on the part of coke producers to invest large sums of money in installations of by-productovens of doubtful utility-more especially in view of the fact that beehive ovens could be erected cheaply and operated by non technical labour for the production of high-grade coke under the most variable conditions of trade.Surely and steadily designers brought forward by-product ovens of improved type, coupled with more efficient apparatus for the recovery of by-products, but still the industry lagged, due almost entirely to the insistence on the part of coke users that the qualityof ordinary beehive coke was vastly superior for metallurgical operations to the best coke produced from by-product ovens. So deep rooted was this prejudice that only the passage of time could eradicate it. That it has successfully done so is strikingly illustratedin the following statistics:
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  • Published: 1927
  • PDF Size: 1.842 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1928_0343

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