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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1931

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1931

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All-Flotation at North Broken Hill Limited

Author's Note: Since the paper on "All-Flotation at North Broken Hill Limited" was read and discussed, the metallurgical results obtained have conclusively justified the adoption of the All-Flotation treatment.At present the shipping grades of lead concentrate produced from North mine ore range between 74% and 75% Pb, carrying approximately 43 oz. Ag and 4.5%-5% Zn. The lead recovery in lead concentrate is recording 95%-96% of the lead content of crude ore, and the milling and treatment cost on 6400 tons crude ore perweek of 96 hours has dropped to 6s. 3.6d. per ton on ore. With an increased ore tonnage, and with a new mill, considerable further reduction in costs is certain.New flotation machines, with 30 in. vertical depth of overflow (instead of 42 in. depth), are now being tried for the secondary granular treatment, with advantageous results. The treatment to-day is practically the same as that outlined in the paper, excepting that additional concentrate is returned for retreatment in the existing units.(Signed) A. LOWRY.Mr. T. A. READ: The author states (page 356 of Proceedings, No. 79), "The sulphide ore itself was then comparatively coarsegrained, a fact which permitted ready concentration of the galena contents by means of jigs, tables, vanners, etc."
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  • Published: 1930
  • PDF Size: 0.954 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1931_0369

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