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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1932

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1932

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Accidents in the Broken Hill Mines

The importance of the Broken Hill mining field may be gauged from the fact that since the discovery of the ore-body in 1883, till the end of 1931, approximately 43,000,000 tons of ore have been raised.The lode covers a length of 31 miles, and in places is upwards of 300 ft. in width. The ore, as at present mined, consists of an intimately blended mixture of lead and zinc sulphides with silver and gangue minerals.Structurally the lode conveys the impression of a huge longitudinal arch (when viewed from the east or west), having its apex or crown near the centre of the field, in the leases of the Broken, Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd., where the lode outcropped at the surface.The minimum depth of the lode in the Proprietary mine was some 500 ft. from the surface, but huge undulations, having an average pitch of 45, carry the extensions of the arch gradually deeper, to those places where active stoping operations are now in progress in the workings of the North mine at one extremity, and the South and Zinc Corporation mines at the other. The depth of the lode from the surface, as exposed at present, is approximately 1700 ft. at these extremities.The structure and physical character of the ore-body, and its containing walls, are so complex and varied that almost every type of mining problem is met with.
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  • Published: 1931
  • PDF Size: 1.863 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1932_0378

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