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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1934

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1934

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The Technical Library at Risdon

Some form of technical library is a necessity for every metallurgical plant, but its form and scope will vary with the conditions of each case. In its simplest form, it may consist of one or two mining journals and a few text books distributed amongst the staff. Again, it may be a separate establishment controlled by a clerk, the technical staff necessarily making its own research into the literature available. A still more elaborate organisation may be established both to supply information when requested and to keep the operating staff in touch with current matters of interest, and the library service of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia is of this character.The necessity for such a service is due to several facts. The Company's interests are scattered over three States. Most of its staff members are remote from: good public library facilities and they have few opportunities for exchanging ideas verbally with other metallurgists and engineers. Then, too, the process of recovering zinc by electrolysis, is a young art of which the physical and chemical bases were far from fully known at the time the: Risdon plant was established. Most of the zinc produced is sold abroad, and this unsheltered industry can afford to miss no technical or economic development which may promote its efficiency. Add to these facts the geographical isolation of the Commonwealth and the case for an adequate library is complete.
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  • Published: 1933
  • PDF Size: 0.596 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1934_0412

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