Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1936
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1936
Boring at the State Coal Mine, Wonthaggi, Vic
The seams of black coal occurring in Victoria are so disturbed by faulting, wash-outs, thinning, etc., that it is necessary, for the prevention of costly errors in development, that close boring be undertaken so that the correct positions of the shafts, tunnels, main and auxiliary roadways can be set out in order that the area can be economically worked. The State Coal Mine has two boring plants continuously at work, which have given good service for the last twenty-five years.The information supplied herein is merely our experience in boring at the State Coal Mine over an extended period. The type of plant in use is that known as the Victoria Drilling Plant, equipped with an 11 h.p. portable oil engine, using power kerosene as fuel. It was purchased in 1914, complete with mechanism for cable drilling, capable of boring to a depth of 1500 ft. with a guarantee of 1000 ft., with Calyx cutters, boring rods and all necessary equipment for the sum of 1473. The chief mechanical features of the plant are as follows:-The derrick is in the shape of a tripod (see Fig. 1), two of the legs being of steel channel built together to form a frame which, when lowered on to two sets of road wheels, forms a carriage for the transport of a portion of the boring equipment. The third leg is made of oregon in the form of a double bow, with bolts and distance pieces between the wooden sides. The top of this is hinged on to the steel frame, and the bottom is fitted into a cast iron block, having two small wheels to facilitate erection. A rope attached to the cast iron block and to the winch easily...
J McLeish
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- Published: 1935
- PDF Size: 1.541 Mb.
- Unique ID: P_PROC1936_0422