Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1936
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1936
The Application and Functions of Chemical Reagents in Flotation
The art of flotation may be divided into two distinct branches, namely:-1. Collective flotation.2. Selective flotation.(1) Collective flotation is applied when all the valuable minerals in an ore are required in one concentrate, leaving ,only gangue minerals in the tailing. The method is applicable, for instance, to such ores as auriferous copper sulphides associated with gangue minerals only, or to silver lead ores low enough in zinc and other valuable minerals.(2) Selective flotation is applied when there are present in an ore two or more valuable sulphides, which cannot be subsequently efficiently treated unless they are separated from one another as well as from the gangue. For example, a silver-Iead-zinc ore, or a copper-gold-iron ore; where the iron is not required with the copper gold concentrate.In order to make these operations practicable chemical reagents have been developed, having power to exert definite actions on the various minerals when brought into contact with them in a water pulp.COLLECTIVE FLOTATION.In order to bring about collective flotation it is generally necessary to add to the pulp a frothing agent and an activator or activators for all the minerals which it is desired to float.SELECTIVE FLOTATION.The object of selective flotation is to activate the mineral which is to be floated, and at the same time to prevent all other minerals from floating.
R D Nevett
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- Published: 1935
- PDF Size: 0.786 Mb.
- Unique ID: P_PROC1936_0428