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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1936

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1936

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The Iron Ores of the Middleback Ranges, South Australia

The Middleback Ranges are a series of parallel northsouth ridges on the eastern side of the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, about 20 miles inland from the Spencer Gulf, as shown in Fig. 1. They extend for some 20 miles across the centre of the County of York. North of them, on the same line of strike, in, the County of Manchester, is a disconnected series of lesser which ends in the Iron Monarch-Iron Knob ridge, the principal iron ore locality. These ridges are referred to in the following pages as an integral part of the Middleback Ranges.The deposits of hematite which outcrop in these ranges (Fig. 1) form the most important group of iron ore bodies in Australia, and are exploited by the Broken Hill Proprietary Company. The largest of them is the Iron Monarch (Fig. 6) .H: The next largest are the Iron Duke, the Iron Prince and Iron Baron. The Iron Knob, Iron Duchess, the North and South Iron Knights, Iron Queen, and the small body south of it, the Kimba Lease, and the deposits in the Cook's and Ash Leases, are all smaller.Numerous small lens-like bodies of hematite occur throughout the ridges, but are not of sufficient size to be of commercial use. At present only the Iron Monarch and the Iron Prince bodies are being worked. The Iron Knob was quarried previously, but its remaining supply is held in reserve.*Published by permission of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
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  • Published: 1935
  • PDF Size: 2.702 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1936_0432

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