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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1937

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1937

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Presidential Address

As this is the first occasion I have had, and probably will be the only opportunity I shall have, of addressing such a large gathering of members and of student members of the Institute, I desire to- express my very deep appreciation of the honour 'you have paid me in electing me to the office of President for the current year. I realise also that such selection is a tribute to the Company which controls operations here, the centre selected for the annual meeting, but nevertheless there is afforded to the recipient a great deal of pride and of pleasure to hold the highest office in what is, in my opinion, undoubtedly the most important engineering society in Australasia.The past year has witnessed an unprecedented and unparalleled event in the history of the British Empire, and I think that we must all feel a wonderful sense of proud patriotism; the whole world was forced to admire the public calm and the dignity which accompanied the change in our Sovereign Ruler, and great tribute is due to the statesmanship of the Prime Minister, Mr. Baldwin. At this time, we should, I think, place on record our prayer, in common with all his people, that His Majesty, King George the Sixth, may enjoy a long and prosperous reign.The meeting at Port Pirie recalls one who did so much for the advancement of mining and metallurgy, especially in Australia. I refer to the late Mr. Delprat, who, as General Manager of The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited, had under his control for many years the smeltery in this centre. As you are aware, he had been elected an honorary member of this Institute, as well as of our sister Institutes in England and in America...
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  • Published: 1936
  • PDF Size: 0.365 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1937_0439

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