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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1938

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1938

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The Influence of Composition on the Properties of Lead Part IX

In previous papers (1, 2), the influence on the creep resistance of elements normally found in commercial lead has been recorded. The results in the present paper refer to the influence of calcium, an element which is not found naturally in lead, but which has been used commercially in the form of alloys. It was realised that calcium would act as a deoxidising agent for lead-and in fact it was with this feature in view that both calcium and magnesium were used as additions. Subsequent work (including the results given in the present paper) has tended to diminish the importance which at first seemed to be associated with the presence of oxygen in lead. The structure of the dilute calcium lead alloys has been worked out in detail (S) and the phase diagram shows the existence of limited solid solubility and a compound CaPbs.
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  • Published: 1937
  • PDF Size: 1.16 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1938_0457

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