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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1939

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1939

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The Sulphide Ore Treatment Plant at Mount Morgan

The ore, as sent to the sulphide mill, is a mixture, in varying proportions, of oxidized ore from above the 450-ft. level and sulphide ore from above and below (to date mainly from above) that level. The oxidized ore consists essentially of quartz, with varying amounts of kaolin and clayey material which passes into the slime and, in excess, creates a serious problem in settling. Pyrite may be present in small amounts. The gold is free and extremely fine.The ore, classed as sulphide, consists of pyritic material in a quartz gangue. The sulphides have been exposed to weathering, leaching by descending solutions and attack by ascending gases and actual burning. The alteration products occur in widely varying proportions and this variation adds to the difficulties in settling and control of grinding and flotation.Copper Minerals.-Chalcopyrite is the principal copperbearing mineral with smaller and varying amounts of covellite, which is sometimes associated with chalcocite, both these minerals being apparently of secondary origin.Examination of tailing by Dr. Stillwell has revealed all stages between clean chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite tinged with covellite, covellite with residual cores of chalcopyrite and clean covellite.The chalcopyrite is free floating, very few particles of clean chalcopyrite being observed in the tailing from granular flotation. The chief tailing loss is probably as chalcopyrite occurring as small inclusions in pyrite...
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  • Published: 1938
  • PDF Size: 1.988 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1939_0484

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