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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1942

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1942

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The Tennant Creek Goldfield

The Tennant Creek goldfield is situated in the Northern Territory, 360 miles north of Alice Springs, or a tot~l distance of 1,300 miles north of Adelaide, and 600 miles south of Darwin. The auriferous area extends 20 miles north and south by 50 miles east and west. The overland telegraph line and the AIice Springs-Darwin road pass through the centre of the field.HISTORY, PRODUCTIONThe country comprising the goldfield was traversed by J. MacDouall Stuart between 1859 and 1861 in the course of his last three exploring expeditions, which terminated respectively at Attack Creek, Newcastle Waters and at the mouth of the Adelaide River. The explorer named Tennant Creek and also Mount Samuel, on which mining operations are now in progress. The overland telegraph line was completed in 1872 and a relaying station established eight miles north of the site of the present township. There was no other settlement in the adjacent country prior to the opening up of the goldfield.Gold was discovered in 1926 on what is known as the Great Northern lease, three miles north of the township. The field was remote; the nearest plant at which gold ore could be treated was at Peterborough, in South Australia, 1,186 miles distant, and it was not until 1932 that the development of the field actively commenced.The production of the field from its inception to December 31, 1939, was 57,895 QZ. of gold, valued at 522,000, recovered from 61,793 long tons of ore, won from 98 mines. In 1940 seven of these mines had reached depths between 100 ft. and 230 ft., the workings of the majority being less than 60 ft. below surface.TOPOGRAPHY, WATERThe country is traversed by parallel and sub-parallel lines of hills trending east and west and rising to altitudes varying from 50 ft. to 100 ft. above the intervening valleys. The low ranges and isolated hills owe their survival to the resistance offered by their indurated, harder rocks to erosion which has removed the softer intervening formations. Their elevation and area depend to a considerable extent upon the presence of; and, the size of, the more or less exposed haematite formations, or are due to the influence of extensive siliceous dykes which traverse the locality.Watercourses head from the hills and either flood out on the flats within a short distance, or in a few cases follow longer courses to the northward. In the channels of the larger creeks billaoongs, which form important water storages for a considerable part of the year, -are to be found. Tennant...
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  • Published: 1941
  • PDF Size: 2.225 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1942_0547

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