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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1944

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1944

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China-In The Post-War World

The reconstruction of the world after the present war must inevitably be profoundly influenced by the rise and progress of New China.The principle of Chinese mathrity has been admitted by Great Britain and the United States by their abjuration of extra-territorial tights, and by the withdrawal of the Maritime Customs Administration. The United States admits equality by her declaration that Chinese are eligible for American citizenship, and the reaction to this will be swift enmity to such peoples as may impose humiliating restrictions upon Chinese citizens.Finally, the decisions of the Moscow Conference and the recent meeting of National leaders in Cairo give partnership rights to this new State in post-war reconstruction, and open the way for a rapid realization of her destiny.It seems certain that China, if so she wills, can become, within a generation or so, one of the considerable forces of the world. The toad she wiII follow will be lighted by her own inherent and intrinsic genius. Her speed of progress can no longer be forcibly influenced by other nations and the attitude towards her of somewhat contemptuous patronage hitherto adopted by the European communities bordering the Pacific Ocean must be radically modified.It is doubtful whether the European will ever reach full understanding of Chinese mentality. The Chinese "way of life" since the dawn of her civilization has been totally divergent from that of the European, but the enormous potential strength, due to the simplicity of their requirements and their steadfast industry, is a function of that "way of life." On the other hand the trend of reorganization must obviously be towards Western standards; and a wide knowledge of the potential strength of the Chinese is possible and will be essential in our post-war world. The following, necessarily inadequate, notes are therefore offered, as an indication of the obstacles to be overcome and the capacity of the Chinese executives and operatives to overcome them.For 'thirteen centuries the political and social structure of China proper (ie, excluding Mongolia, Manchuria and Tibet) has been rigidly shaped by the philosophy of Lao Tze and the ethics' of Confucius. This Taoism, which is described as the "way of harmony" with its three jewels of character, gentleness, economy and humility, advocates the minimum of social, economic and political organization and still gives the key to the Chinese character.The Mongol and Manchu conquests of the 12th and 17th centuries, respectively, could hardly be dignified with the name of war, but the superior intelligence and harder mentality of the unwarlike Chinese finally absorbed...
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  • Published: 1943
  • PDF Size: 1.668 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1944_0560

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