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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1944

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1944

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The Geology of the Wonthaggi Coalfield, Victoria

The Wonthaggi coalfield is in South Gippsland, about 90 miles southeast of Melbourne. It is situated on the down-faulted block of the South Gippsland highlands that lies south of the Kongwak fault, between the Powlett River and the sea (Fig. 1). The coal, which is of Jurassic age, occurs in two small, and intensely faulted, limnic basins, that lie on either side of a concealed ridge of Silurian sediments. The coal was first found as thin seams outc1'opping in the cliffs at Cape Paterson, but the seams that are worked at Wonthaggi are concealed beneath a veneer of Cainozoic sands that covers the Jurassic strata, and were found by boring.The c9al seams are worked by the State Coal Mine, which was opened in 1909 to ensure a supply of coal for the Victorian railways, following a prolonged strike in the Newcastle field of New South Wales. The total production from 1910 to June, 1943, amounts to 13,918,800 long tons of coal. The coal seams are faulted to a degree unknown in most coal...
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  • Published: 1943
  • PDF Size: 2.302 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1944_0570

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