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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1945

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1945

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Papers in collection

  • Aluminum Dust for Silicosis Go to Paper
  • Aluminum Therapy in Silicosis Go to Paper
  • Aluminum Therapy in the United States Go to Paper
  • Blast Hole Diamond Drilling as Developed for Sub-Level Stoping at New Occidental Gold Mines, N.L., Cobar, N.S.W. Go to Paper
  • Effect of Aluminum and Alumina on the Lung in Grinders of Duralumin Aeroplane Propellers Go to Paper
  • Evolution of Colliery Winding Engines Go to Paper
  • Failure of Aluminum to Prevent Experimental Silicosis Go to Paper
  • Progress in Aluminum Therapy Go to Paper
  • Raub Gold-Genesis and Recovery Go to Paper
  • Some Installation, Operational and Maintenance Aspects of Diesel Engine Power Plant, Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie LTD., W.A. Go to Paper
  • Stope Filling with Thickened Classified Flotation Tailings Go to Paper
  • The Composition of Victorian Brown Coals Go to Paper
  • The Engineering Aspects of Aluminum Prophylaxis Go to Paper
  • The Mineral Composition of the Black Star Copper Ore Body, Mount Isa, Queensland Go to Paper
  • The Prevention of Silicosis by Metallic Aluminum Go to Paper
  • The Treatment of Silicosis by Aluminum Powder Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1944
  • Unique ID: PA-Proc1945

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