Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Design and Operation of a Counter Current Gas Scrubbing System
For many years the scrubbing of roaster gas carrying sulphur dioxide has been carried out at the plant of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia Ltd. at Risdon, Tasmania, using long horizontal tubes. in which the gas stream crossed a shower of water. In order to provide for increased roaster capacity, it was evident that additional gas scrubbing capacity would be required to prevent pollution of the atmosphere.This provided an opportunity to review the whole operation of gas scrubbing and an investigation was initiated to determine the characteristics of a counter-current type of scrubber. It was hoped that a change to this type of scrubbing would also reduce the sulphur dioxide concentration of the gas delivered to the atmosphere to a negligible amount. This, paper outlines results obtained from an experimental tower which was operated under a wide range of conditions, the packing height, gas flow, water flow, water temperature, and concentration of S02 in inlet gas being varied independently. A description is given of the leading features and operating characteristics of the plant units, which are designed on the basis of the experimental results. Operation of the new scrubbing system commenced on October 5th, 1948.THE PROBLEMThe gas which is handled carries S02 which may vary in concentration from 2% to 5%, and reaches the scrubbing system at a temperature of approximately 180 deg. C. An appreciable amount of suspended material accompanies the gas which has passed the cyclone system.
F H C Kelly
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- Published: 1948
- PDF Size: 1.628 Mb.
- Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0648