Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Fundamentals of Cyclone Design and Operation
The cyclone, or centrifugal separator, ,is firmly established in industry as a low cost separator of solids from gases.While it will also separate fluids of different densities, and solids from liquids, its main use is to remove relatively fine dusts from gases whose pr~erties are generally not greatly different from those of air. This latter phase of operation is the one that will be dealt with here.The duty of such a cyclone separating system is to take in a supply of dusty gas and separate it into its components of dust and clean gas as perfectly as possible for the least consumption of pressure head. Any separation at all causes pressure loss and, in general, the greater the separation, the greater the pressure drop needed to effect it. The percentage of dust in suspension which is separated from the gas-dust mixture is commonly called the collection or separation efficiency. Overall or "true" efficiency must take pressure drop into account and may be considered as proportional to the ratio of the percentage of dust collected to the resultant pressure drop. For any cyclone It will vary with different dusts.Many commercial adaptions of the simple cyclone are made solely on the basis of pressure drop improvement, without taking into account the effect on separation efficiency, probably because the latter is so difficult to assess correctly. It appears unfortunate but true that the majority of such adaptions and patent gadgets fitted to cyclones which decrease pressure drop, do have an adverse effect on separation. In other' words, the true efficiency is seldom increased but often diminished.Without a knowledge of what actually goes on inside a cyclone, it is impossible fully to appreciate the real effect of a modification. For instance, it is on record that a cyclone...
R McK Alexander
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- Published: 1948
- PDF Size: 2.13 Mb.
- Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0650