Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1949
Occurrence of Tellurides at Vatukoula, Fiji
The Mineragraphic Section of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has had occasion from time to time to examine rocks, ores and concentrates from the Yatukoula goldfield, Fiji. The results of the examinations have been supplied as Mineragraphic Reports and have been supplementary to various investigations carried out by the mining companies on ore treatment, or by visiting geologists on the nature of the rocks and lodes. The presence of tellurides was determined in 1935, though incorrectly as nagyagite. The general absence of lead, except in traces, was soon afterwards discovered, and it came to be recognised as the mines were opened up that the chief telluride minerals on the field were sylvanite and native tellurium. Specimens of the tellurides have been provided from time to time by E. G. Theodore, Managing Director of the Emperor Mines Ltd., and of the Loloma (Fiji) Gold Mines N.L., and further material was recently obtained, as the result of a visit to the field at the invitation of Mr. Theodore.The aim of this paper is to describe the occurrence of the tellurides in these specimens. The work has been carried out as part of the programme of research of the Mineragraphic Section.THE VATUKOULA GOLDFIELDThe Emperor, Loloma and Dolphin mines are situated at Vatukoula, six miles, south of Tavua, on the north coast...
F L Stillwell
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- Published: 1948
- PDF Size: 1.749 Mb.
- Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0653