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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1949

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1949

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Some Aspects of Assaying at Rosebery

This paper describes certain analytical methods used at the Rosepery Mine and Treatment Plant of the Electrolytic Zinc Co. of Australasia Ltd., which are not generally in use and may therefore be of more interest than a description of the normal routine methods which are used in most of the mining assay laboratories of the Commonwealth, and which have been published previously.The ore mined and treated at Rosebery is of a complex nature and demands closer control in the concentrating plant than is necessary on some other similar mining fields.It is necessary for the mill shift supervisors to keep constant control on the grade of lead and zinc concentrates produced on their respective shifts, and further, it is essential to maintain an economic compromise between grade of concentrates and the recovery of the particular concent:t:ate. This necessitates a more frequent check on concentrate grade is provided by the daily assays carried, out by the assay office. Rather than employ trained ,assayers on shift work, "quick methods" of analysis, which could be carried out by the operators, 'were adopted.'In such methods, it is desirable that the necessary manipulation should be reduced to the following:-a. Taking the sample, drying and mixing.b. Weighing the necessary amount of sample-for assay.c. Adding the reagents for use in the assay without change of beakers.d. Titration and calculation.Such a contraction of, the normal technique would be impracticable for many determinations, but in the case of lead...
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  • Published: 1948
  • PDF Size: 0.946 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0656

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