The Composition of Some Lead Blast Furnace Slags from Port Pirie
INDEX OF CONTENTSIntroductionThe slag samplesGranulated SlagGlass-spinel-magnetite-metallic leadRapidly Chilled SlagSlowly Cooled SlagSpinel - magnetite - zinc melitite (hardystonite) willemite - olivine -lead silicate - metallic lead - lead sulphide - copper sulphide - copper arsenide - nickel arsenide.ConclusionsIllustrationsINTRODUCTIONThis paper presents the results of a mineragraphic examination of representative samples of granulated lead blast furnace slags from the Port Pirie Smelter, and of slowly cooled samples of t:b.e same slags, undertaken at the request of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd., as part of the research programme of the Mineragraphic Section of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.THE SLAG SAMPLESThe chemical composition of the slags examined is given by the following three analyses of the granulated slags, supplied by the Broken Hill Associated Smelters (Table 1).