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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1949

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1949

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The Genesis of the Iron Ores of the Middleback Range, South Australia

The Physiographical Features of the Region The Middleback; Range proper, from the Iron Duke in the south to the Iron Prince in the north, extends in a meridional direction for 21 miles, but may well be taken to embrace also the Iron Knob and Iron Monarch prominences so that the total length of the Range is 37 miles.Although no great altitudes are reached, the slopes of the high country are steep and the Range stands out prominently above the peneplaned surface of upper Eyre Peninsula. The Range is built up of sub-parallel ridges at some places, and its continuity is interrupted by transverse breaks or gaps resulting from normal stream erosion and corrosion during earlier periods when precipitation was heavier and streams were more active. Traces of high-level gravels remain on the flanks of Kimba Gap. A former mature stream on the western side of the Range has had its lower reaches blocked by sand and the old stream channel has been converted into an eiongated basin of internal drainage. The sand dunes in this area appear to be practically stationary at present, being fixed by mallee vegetation. Their trend is west-northwest.The relief of the Range is regarded as having been determined primarily by meridional strike faulting and selective silification of some of the beds. Dip faulting on the Iron Duchess leases has produced subsidiary features only.The Rocks of the Region: In order that some of the points made in the discussion of the genesis of the ore bodies may be appreciated it is necessary to consider the stratigraphical succession and the igneous types represented. This classification may be...
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  • Published: 1948
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1949_0659

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