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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1950

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1950

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Research Organization

In considering the organization of research, it is necessary to know just what research is, what objects are in mind when setting out to conduct research, and what are the functional units which are required to enable a coordinated effort in research to proceed.The dictionary defines research in the following terms: Laborious and patient search, as for truth, diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; inquiry, scrutiny; to search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently; to search again; to examine anew.This is, of course, simply a formal definition, but the reference to "labour", "patience" and "diligence" should be noted.The following quotation from an answer to the question "What is Research?", published recently in a technical journal, puts some life into the formal definition:- Essentially, it (Research) is nothing but a state of mind a friendly, welcoming attitude toward change. Going out to look for a change instead of waiting for it to come. Research, for practical men, is an effort to do things better... The research state of mind can apply to anything: personal affairs or any kind of business, big or little. It is the problem-solving mind as contrasted with the let-well-enough-alone mind . . . It is the "to-morrow" mind instead of the "yesterday" mind. Note the statements that: Essentially, it (Research) is nothing but a state of mind, and the research state of mind can apply to anything.
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  • Published: 1949
  • PDF Size: 2.505 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1950_0681

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