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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1951

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1951

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Magnetic Methods in the Search for Iron Ore

Magnetic methods have for a long time been used in the search for iron ore. In fact the first recorded geophysical prospecting was the use of a magnetic compass to locate iron ore in the Kuruna region in Sweden as early as 1640.The largest magnetic anomaly discovered, about 700,000 gamma-s, is in this region.The enormous deposits in Russia in the Kursk region, where the ore consists largely of magnetite, were discovered by magnetic methods. Heiland estimates the proved reserves at 290,000 million tons and the additional potential deposits at twice this amount.These magnetite ores Show extremely high magnetic anomalies and consequently very insensitive instruments could be used to survey them. The first aerial magnetic surveys were carried out in this area in 1928.Large areas of the iron ore producing regions in Norway, Sweden and the United States have been covered by magnetic surveys in the past 30 years, much of the work being started after the first World War.In every major iron ore producing country, except Australia, extensive magnetic surveys have been, or are, carried out with the purpose of extending the reserves of ore. Australia is indeed fortunate that the depletion of iron ore reserves and the location of new deposits has not become an urgent problem. Nevertheless, some minor reconnaissance work has already been carried out in Australia, and the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics is contemplating a more extended aerial magnetometer survey in the Middleback Ranges area. The work so far done in the Middleback Ranges country consists of a ground magnetic survey of a few small...
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  • Published: 1950
  • PDF Size: 0.078 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1951_0699

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