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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1951

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1951

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Some Occurrences of Stannite in Australia

Investigations of the Mineragraphic Section; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, have included most of the known stannite-bearing ores in Australia, and have revealed several new occurrences of this relatively uncommon mineral. They provide information about its paragenesis, and its possible effect on tin recovery, that may be of general interest.Several of the investigations used in the preparation of this paper, were made in the first instance by pr. F. L. Stillwell or in collaboration with him.CASSITERITE-SULPHIDE ORES IN NORTH-WEST- TASMANIA Stannite is a minor component of most of the cassiterite sulphide ores of north-western Tasmania. These include the orebodies of Mount Bischoff, the Cleveland mine, Moina, the Stanley River district, Renison Bell, and the Heemskirk-Zeehan district, and form a well defined metallogenetic provence which is related to the Devonian granites of this part of Tasmania.In these ores mineralisation began. with deposition of cassiterite, a little wolfram, and quartz, topaz and tourmaline. With falling temperature, deposition of cassiterite ceased and arsenopy-rite, pyrite, and especially pyrrhotite, formed in abundance, tending to give massive sulphide ore. A little chalcopyrite; stannite, sphalerite and native bismuth accompanied the pyrrhotite. Deposition of quartz ceased after the pyrrhotite, was formed, and the later-formed nonsulphide gangue consists chiefly of carbonates and fluorite. With, the advent of the carbonates the pyrrhotite was altered to fine-gained intergrowths of marcasite and pyrite. Excess iron from the pyrrhotite entered the intergrown carbonate, or was precipitated as magnetite. Some solution of the cassiterite occurred at this stage, the tin being redeposited chiefly as stimnite replacement rims around the residual cassitellrite grains. Varying, but small, amounts of sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite and silver minerals were depoSited at this stage, bringing the mineralisation to a...
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  • Published: 1950
  • PDF Size: 1.964 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1951_0705

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