Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1956
Conference Proceedings
The AusIMM Proceedings 1956
A Method of Preparing Titanium Trichloride
Titanium tetrachloride may be reduced to trichloride with hydrogen on a hot tungsten filament and other hot: surfaces. The effect of temperature, time and size of t.he filament on the rate of reaction has been studied. A laboratory unit for preparing a few pounds of trichloride at a time is described. The yield of trichloride is 22 - 24 gm/sq. cm. of hot surface/hour at 1,000C. and the energy requirement 3'5-4 kWh/pound of trichloride produced.'INTRODUCTIONThe lower chlorides of titanium (titanium tri- and dichlorides) are amenable to electrolysis, being electrovalent in nature. Furthermore, relative to other oxygen-free titanium salts, they are easy to prepare in a pure state and their use has been investigated to prepare titanium. The experimentaJ work described in this paper deals with the preparation of titanium trichloride by reduction of titanium tetrachloride with hydrogen on hot surfaces.REDUCING AGENTS FOR TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDEThe free energy diagram (Fig. 1) for the formation of chlorides suggests that titanium' tetrachloride may be reduced to trichloride by various reducing agents such as aluminium, zinc, arsenic, antimony, tin, mercury, silver, hydrogen, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Ruff and Neumann (1923), Thorpe (1885) , Billy and Brasseur (1935) and Seurbert and Schmidt (1892) used various metals to reduce tetrachloride to trichloride and found that the yields were invariably low and the products difficult to separate.Besides the metallic reducing agents, hydrogen may also be used to reduce titanium tetrachloride to trichloride.Goerges and Stahler (1909) obtained a deposit of violet...
H N Sinha
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- Published: 1955
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- Unique ID: P_PROC1956_0788