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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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An Automatic Dust Sampler

A device is described which is suitable for the automatic sampling of dust in dust laden flue gases. This device, called a Venturi Sampler, consists of two pipes each fitted with a suitably designed venturi.Both pipes are placed in the flue where one acts as an open-ended reference tube and the other as the actual sampling tube.The gas sampling rate is automatically controlled so as to maintain a zero differential pressure between pressure tappings in the two venturi throats. The venturies are so designed that under these conditions the gas velocity in the sampling pipe is always equal to the free gas velocity in the flue-that is isokinetfc sampling conditions are maintained.INTRODUCTIONThere is a constant need in industry for regular and accurate assessments of dust losses, both to assist in improving operating efficiencies in order to minimize losses, and to obtain accurate metallurgical balances. In many cases where sampling is carried out in dust laden gases, the existing sampling methods are both laborious and inaccurate, and often make no provision for changes in flue gas velocity while sampling is in progress.In the majority of cases where a measurement of dust losses in a stack or flue is required, a preliminary velocity survey is made with a pitot tube to establish the gas velocity at each of the points at which samples are to be taken. The sample of gas (and dust) is withdrawn through a tube connected via a flowmeter to an exhausting apparatus. Some means of removing the dust from the gas sample is placed in circuit ahead of the exhausting apparatus. This is often an alundum or paper thimble housed in a gas-tight container.The purpose of the flowmeter is to measure the actual flow of gas during sampling so that the sampling velocity at the inlet to the sampling tube may be calculated, and the flow corrected so that the sampling velocity will agree with...
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 1.898 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0881

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