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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Petrology of the Broken Hill Lode and its Bearing on Ore Genesis

LIST OF CONTENTSAbstractIntroductionSelected Sections of the Broken Hill LodeLocality PlansPetrology1. Zinc Corporation Mine: DDH. 5.98, section 30, No. 26 level2. Zinc Corporation Mine: DDH. 838, section 30, No. 13 level3. Broken Hill Sonth Mine: 60 ft. cont01(r above 1170 ft. level4. Broken Hill South Mine : No. 7 shaft section, 1370 ft. levelOrigin of garnet sandstone5. Barrier Central Pty. Ltd.: DDH. tJ.93, Block 136. North Broken Hill Ltd.: Junction mine, DDH. 602, No. 10 level7. North Broken Hill Ltd.: Jnnction mine, DDH. 588, No. 11 level8. North Broken Hill Ltd.: North mine, DDH. through Southern ore body, 3370 ft. level9. North Broken Hill Ltd.: North mine, Northern ore body above 2300 ft. level(a) Southern end, section 27, 77 ft. above rails(b) Northern end, section 30, 6.9 ft. above rails(c) Miscellaneons samples, sections 27 and 28Relative time of ore depositionSericitizntionStructural significance of sericitizationGCLhnite OrthoclaseApatite GarnetManganese SilicatesAlteration of manganese silicatesRelation of zinc and lead to the silicatesZinc in manganese-bearing silicatesLead in potassium and lime silicates and apatite
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 2.662 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0889

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