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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Presidential Address, 1959

A President, soon after he is appointed, sees looming ahead of him the Presidential Address; and in something approaching despair wonders what he can possibly talk about which might hold the interest of his audience. After various casts about, it occurred to me that perhaps prospecting, and more particularly prospecting in Australia, might provide a subject. This is because, 'in the first place, 'prospecting is passing from the stage of chance surface discovery to that of systematic search applying scientific methods to theproblems involved, and in the second, it is the section of the industry with which I have been concerned through much of my: working life. As it makes an address of this sort more interesting if it includes specific reference to actual experience, I hope you will bear with me in such references to actual prospecting as I may use to illustrate the argument. Prospecting has always carried the glamour of sudden wealth. The picture of the prospector engaged, perhaps for years, in fruitless search suddenly coming on riches beyondhis hopes is, deeply etched in the Australian imagination. In few other places has the fervour of prospecting run higher than it did in Victoria in the generation beginning little more than a century ago following the discovery of gold.People arrived from overseas in great numbers. Most of them proceeded to: the goldfields. They moved in thousands from new find to new find. In 'so doing' they determined much of the course of the State's development. The experience of prospectors led them to formulate all sorts of theories little impeded by awkward facts, to account for the apparently unpredictable occurrence of gold.The ideas which men followed, occasionally to success, and which they were prepared to back with all they had were strange and, various, many stories are told of them.
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 1.509 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0890

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