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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Sedimentary Structures in the Metamorphic Rocks and Orebodies of Broken Hill

B. P. Thomson (South Aust. Dept. of Mines): Dr. A. B. Edwards presents in the published discussion on the above paper, his interpretation of the dolerite dyke-lode relationship as a major objection to the syngenetic origin for Broken Hill ore bodies to which Mr. Condon subscribes.Dr. Edwards claims that the dyke-lode relationships indicate clearly that the Broken Hill orebody was formed after the folding and regional metamorphism of the Willyama Series. Field evidence compels m:e to join with H. F. King (1958), in finding this conclusion unacceptable-as follows:(1) Broken Hill type mineralization, as defined by King and Thomson (1953), is clearly confined by the regional sillimanite isograd and does not extend into the lower temperature almandine and biotite zones as does the Thackaringa type mineralization.(2) In the Corruga area the writer has mapped a dolerite dyke apparently cutting a conformable quartz gahnite lode of the Broken Hill type (see Edwards 1958, p. 12).(3) At the Champion mine a similar lode is cut by a fine grained granite dyke.An alternative history of the dolerite dykes to that given by Stillwell & Edwards (1956, p. 26) appears possible. It has been suggested by the writer in an unpublished thesis, (Thomson 1955, p. 30), that the pyroxenite and serpentine plugs and dolerite dykes are rheomorphic end-products of a complex regional metamorphic and metasomatic process involving the formation of amphibolite and pegmatite. The analogy in composition between the dolerite and normal amphibolite is close (see Edwards 1958, Fig. 1, p. 22).
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 0.342 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0893

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