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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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Sedimentary Structures in the Metamorphic Rocks and Orebodies of Broken Hill

Undisturbed minor sedimentary structures-cross-bedding, ripplemarking, scour-and-fill, slumping-are present in most of the rock types in the Willyama Series of the Broken Hill district and in the orebodies.This indicates that there has not been any significant movement of mineral matter within or into the rocks during or after metamorphism, that the rocks have not flowed during tectonic deformation or during metamorphism, and that the ore is an original sedimentary deposit in its sedimentary position.Sedimentary processes, depositional and mechanical, are indicated to explain the deposition of sedimentary metallic minerals and their concentration into large masses. The Broken Hill orebodies show evidence of these processes.INTRODUCTIONI visited Broken Hill for one week in May, 1958, at the invitation of Mr. Haddon F. King, Director of Consolidated Zinc Pty. Ltd. He asked me to examine the rocks and orebodies in the mines and outcrops at Broken Hill for:1. Sedimentary structures that might be used to determine the facing of the banding;2. Indications of the original nature of the rocks if I considered they may have been sedimentary; and3. Indications of any possible sedimentary origin for the ores.It has been stated (Gustafson et al., 1952, p. 30) that there was no indication, in the banding, of the facing of the banding, but recently B. P. Thomson had found examples of what he had interpreted as graded bedding (personal...
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 3.034 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0892

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