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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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The Design of Continuous Thickeners for Flocculated Materials

The authors review the literature and discuss the application of methods to the design of thickeners for ilocculated metallurgical pulps. The use and evaluation of flocculents is described. Experimental data show that design based upon laboratory settlingdata is acceptable. The economic aspect of design is also discussed.INTRODUCTIONFor many years there has been little change in the methods for the design of thickener installations. While modifications have been made in the method of applying the data all methods have been based on the observee settling rate of the solids. The development of a theoretical approach based on physical data would involve so many variables which affect the settling rate that the more practical approach of direct observation seems unlikely to be replaced as the basis of design.The advent of synthetic fiocculents has introduced a modification in operation which affects design and should be considered. The authors review the subject and attempt to bring it up to date with present day procedure. Until recently the original work of Coe and Clevenger (1916) remained the basis of thickener design. They described their observation of the different zones encountered in settling, namely clarification, feed, transition, and compression or thickening- zones. The solids pass through the transition zone in settling from feed density to some higher density where settling ceases and some compression or compaction effect controls. the density obtained. The point at which the settling zone ceases to exist is known as the critical point.
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 1.592 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0895

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