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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1959

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The Hydraulic Transportation of Sands

Factors leading to the necessity for some individual testwork in solving most specific hydraulic transportation problems are listed and a description is given of a method used in determining critical flow conditions. An outline is given of the basic theory of the purpose of the testwork, and a means of applying test results for varied pipeline and material conditions follows. Engineering and economic factors are applied to the solution of a specific hydraulic transportation problem and the use of the test results in plant practice is illustrated. The advantages of connecting pumps in series in centralised pumping stations rather than individually along the pipeline are stressed. Some notes are added on the future possibilities and economies of post pump injection of solids into high pressure pipelines.THE HYDRAULIC TRANSPORTATION OF SANDSAs well as all the classical variables involved in a pipeline installation, one must consider, when solids are to be transported, the effects of such variables as:(i) Proportion of solids in the pulp.(ii) The average specific gravity of the pulp.(iii) Specific gravity of the solid material.(iv) Solid particle average sizing and possibly shape.(v) Solids particle grading.(vi) Pipeline diameter for effects other than classically hydraulic.(vii) Pipeline material.(viii) Fluid viscosity.(ix) Pump characteristics.(x) Abrasive or corrosive properties of the pulp.Not surprisingly, the application of published data to the hydraulic transportation of a specific material is difficult if not well nigh impossible. Most hydraulic transportation investigations also involve economic and site factors vary...
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  • Published: 1958
  • PDF Size: 2.089 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1959_0896

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