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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1960

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1960

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The Geology of the Collinsville Coal Measures

The Collinsville Coal Measures consist mainly of arenaceous sediments but indude eleven named coal seams. The Formation outcrops around the northern end of tbe Bowen Basin where it attains a thickness of 700 ft. in the Collinsville-Scottville area and overlies Lower Bowen Volcanies with angular unconformity. Most of the members in the Formation thicken basinwards. The regional dip is about 8 degrees. The Formation thins southwards and does not occur south of the Bowen River on the eastern flank. On the western flank it is represented by 60 ft. of barren sandstone at the limit of our mapping, 12 miles south of the Bowen River. Two seams are mined, the Bowen and the Blake; coal from the former produces high grade metallurgical coke, and the latter seam is mined for steaming coal. Where mined, the seams are about 20 ft. thick. The coals are of medium volatile bituminous rank and the lower coals are of higher rank than those above them.Reverse faults striking across the Coal Measures have been delineated and the existence of areas of intrusive rocks has been established. Intrusions rose up fault planes and, as felspar porphyry sills, selectively intruded coal seams, decimating reserves of coalavailable for mining. One sill, in the Blake Seam, attains a known thickness of 115 ft. Because the distribution and thickness of the sills is rarely predictable, density of drilling has been greater than in most coalfields.INTRODUCTIONThe assemblage of sediments occupying the northern portion of the Bowen Basin (Fig. 1) may be divided into four formations of Permian age:The Upper Coal Measures (U. Bowen)The Middle Bowen Marine Beds (M. Bowen)The Collinsville Coal Measures (M. Bowen)The Lower Bowen Volcanics (L. Bowen).Of these, the Upper Coal Measures and the Collinsville Coal Measures are known to contain coal seams of workable thickness.
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  • Published: 1959
  • PDF Size: 1.374 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1960_0919

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