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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1961

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1961

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Notes on Mount Isa Geology

This paper deals briefly with three of the more controversial aspects of the geology of the Mount Isa ore deposits namely the geologic structures, the method of ore deposition and the origin of the ore.In the section on geologic structures, an outline is first given of the purely tectonic deformation advocated by the early authors. The current interpretation, which differs in the proposed order of events and causal forces, is then discussed. Other concepts, which attribute all or part of the deformation to sedimentary features or preconsolidation movement, are outlined ilnd commented on.The remaining two sections deal mainly with the better known lead-zinc orebodies. In the first of these a brief description and criticism is given of the early interpretation which was based on the deposition of successive waves of mineralisation which replacedindividual beds in the shales. The current ideas, which visualise emplacement of the ore between the beds rather than replacement of them, is then discussed. The final section develops the case for a sedimentary origin of the lead-zinc ores and broadly outlines the author's ideas concerning the evolution of the Mount Isa ore deposits.INTRODUCTIONAny consideration of the geology of Mount Isa must begin with the work of Blanchard and continue with that of Hall. Individually, or as co-authors, they published various papers on the geology of Mount Isa. Of these, the best known is their "Rock Deformation and Mineralisation at Mount Isa" (1941) which gave a comprehensive account of all aspects of Mount Isa geology.It is necessary to appreciate the limits set on geological knowledge of the mine and environs in 1941 by the extent of mine development and regional geologic studies. Underground, 7 level (897 ft.) was the lowest producing level. Development on 8 (1073 ft.) and 9 (1247 ft.) levels consisted only of exploratory drives and crosscuts in the vicinity of the Davidson Shaft. The tops of the 650 and 750...
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  • Published: 1960
  • PDF Size: 0.548 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1961_0936

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