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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1964

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1964

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Bauxite in the Darling Range, Western Australia

Bauxitic laterite of variable thickness and grade is best developed in the Darling Range but covers a large part of the southwest corner of Western Australia. Its limits are defined by the rainfall isohyets to which jarrah forest is confined. Within this broad belt there is an increase in arable land southwards concomitant with a thinning of the laterite layer.Bauxite quality and perhaps thickness as well are dependent on the type of source rock, and are influenced by topography. Economic deposits occur over a vertical range in altitude of about 1200 ft. Some bauxite orebodies appear shoot-like in character, and analogy is suggested with the ore shoots of syngenetic metalliferous deposits.The alumina is in the form of gibbsite enabling low temperature digestion in treatment.INTRODUCTIONAlthough the existence of bauxite in Australia has been known for many years it is only recently that exploitation has commenced of the two most important deposits, strangely at almost diagonally opposite tips of the continent (Fig. 1).Recognition of the importance of the bauxite in the southwest corner came about initially through the efforts of Western Aluminium N.L. which, with some outside financial help, tackled the early exploration with commendable foresight and courage. Subsequent investigations around the periphery of the original reserves (now held by Alcoa of Australia) were undertaken by several companies, including Bauxite Exploration Pty. Ltd.ORIGIN OF BAUXITEThe genesis of bauxite is stilI somewhat controversial.Owing to its common association with kaolin some investigators have been led to believe that it has been derived from the latter; others believe the process has been vice versa.From a recent study of the Arkansas bauxite region in the...
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  • Published: 1963
  • PDF Size: 0.153 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1964_1034

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