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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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Atomic Absorption Analysis for Nickel Using a Resonance Detector

Resonance re-emission from nickel vapour affords a convenient method for isolating the resonance lines at 3415A, 3515A, and 3524A. The vapour is generated by cathodic sputtering and is illuminated by light from a nickel atomic spectral lamp. The resonance lines thus isolated can be usefully employed for absorption measurements on mineral samples where the nickel concentration is too high for measurements with the more sensitive line at 2320A. A spectrophotometer employing a resonance lamp as monochromator possesses several advantages where a great number of determinations are made under routine conditions. The wavelength setting is stable under even the most rigorous conditions and with the provision for automatic setting of full scale deflection the instrument requires virtually no adjustment. The instrument has been used under routine conditions for the determination of nickel (in the range O 05-2 per cent) in mineral samples.
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  • Published: 1967
  • PDF Size: 0.827 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1968_1145

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