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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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Presidential Address, 1968: The Standards We Inherit

At last year's. annual meeting of The Institute, Sir George Fisher, as President, compared it somewhat nostalgically with a meeting of its kind in the 1920s when comment was expressed on the decline of Australianmining and on the lack of new mineral discoveries.I feel that tonight's annual meeting is even more an occasion for nostalgia, for it represents the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. I hope, therefore, that I may be allowed to retrace some of the circumstances of this Institute's origin and at the same time to look at some of the broader happenings of those 75 years.From this distance in time it is, of course, much easier to get things in perspective and one of the things that compels enormous admiration in looking back over the history of our Institute is to note the qualities of foresight and keen concern for professional standards which moved the pioneers in this Institute. They had no benefit of hindsight to aid them.Just over 75 years ago, a small group of men met in Broken Hill to discus.s the possibilities of forming an association of mining engineers. The moving spirit was Uriah Dudley, our first secretary, manager of the Umberumberka mine at Silverton. The first formal move to form an association of mining engineers came from the Amalgamated Mining Managers Association of Australasia. At the time, this association was a fairly new group, being 5 years old.It had been formed to try to raise the standard of management throughout the industry. Uriah Dudley and our first provisional president, John Howell, held their first talks in 1891 and further meetings at Broken Hill followed. The inaugural meeting, attended by 200 members, was held in Adelaide in April, 1893.
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  • Published: 1967
  • PDF Size: 1.284 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1968_1158

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