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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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Rock Types and Mineralization at Panguna Porphyry Copper Prospect, Upper Kaverong Valley, Bougainville Island

A large body of porphyry-type copper mineralization occurs at Panguna in southern BougainviIle. It is associated with the intrusion of quartz diorite/granodiorite into andesites, particularly with the contact zone. Metasomatism of both intrusives and andesite resulted in the formation of biotite pseudomorphing hornblende and the veining of the resultant biotite diorite and biotitized andesite by quartz-chalcopyrite veins with pink orthoclase and dark biotite selvages, respectively.The orientation of intrusives and veins appears to be controlled by premineralization fault-joint patterns in the intruded andesitic Kieta Volcanics.
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  • Rock Types and Mineralization at Panguna Porphyry Copper Prospect, Upper Kaverong Valley, Bougainville Island
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  • Rock Types and Mineralization at Panguna Porphyry Copper Prospect, Upper Kaverong Valley, Bougainville Island
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  • Published: 1967
  • PDF Size: 1.759 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1968_1161

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