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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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The Effects of Environment on Bacterial Leaching Rates

Further evidence is presented as to the widespread occurrence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in nature in association with sulphide minerals. Leaching rates are discussed in terms of the effect of environmental parameters, particularly Eh and pH, on the bacterial process.The methods used to investigate leaching phenomena are described and the advantages and limitations of each method are discussed. A theoretical treatment of the bacterial leaching process is given which indicates that the optimum conditions arrived at by traditional methods are compatible with those deduced from consideration of the mathematics of continuous culture and thermodynamics
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  • Published: 1967
  • PDF Size: 1.335 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1968_1169

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