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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1968

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The Use of Comparative Sampling Methods at Cleveland Mine, Tasmania

The use of comparative sampling methods during the evaluation of the tin-copper deposits at Cleveland mine yielded closely checking average results from groove, channel, AXT split diamond drill core, and bulk sampling for both tin and copper content of the ore.The weighted mean tin and copper grades and values for the groove, channel, and split core samples showed small percentage differences from bulk sample results, and the F-ratio test for single population origin of the four types of samples was accepted at the 99 5 per cent level of confidence.These results indicate that grade estimates based on the assays from AXT split diamond drill core and/or groove samples would be reliable within practical limits.
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  • Published: 1967
  • PDF Size: 1.641 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1968_1176

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