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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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A Portable Vaccum Pump and Buchner Filter for Stream Sediment Sampling

Collecting the clay fraction of active stream sediment from a flowing stream for geochemical analysis i a difficult process. One either takes a sample of dry fine-grained sediment from the stream bank (dry weather and dry sample are uncommon in parts of New Zealand and Tasmania), or dredges up a sample of sand and mud out of the stream.The latter method produces a soggy ample bag full of mud and sand, with varying amounts of gravel, depending on the size of the stream. The water can be filtered from such a sample by means of a Buchner filter funnel, but is difficult to obtain a vacuum in the bush. This problem can be solved by using a small hand- queeze bellows such as used in priming petrol pumps on outboard petrol motors. The common laboratory hand bellows is not powerful enough.A 70 mm diameter two-piece polythene Buchner filter funnel (Fig. 1) can be used. A length of rubber tubing is fitted around the inlet valve of the hand bellows and this valve is then jammed into the pipe at the bottom of the filter funnel (the polythene pipe may be trimmed with a knife to fit over the inlet valve of the bellows). The vacuum is generated and maintained by squeezing the hand bellows.The technique of collecting a sample of the clay fraction is to dredge a sample of the fine-grained active stream sediment out of the stream with a container, such as a plastic mug. The sample is agitated to get the clay fraction into suspension and the muddy suspension is then decanted into the Buchner funnel. The desired clay fraction is obtained as a thin film on the filter paper.If the "fines" are also required, a filter of nylon bolting cloth (stretched across the mouth of a short length of 80 mm diameter polythene pipe and attached by rubber bands or a concentric polythene pipe) can be placed over the mouth of the Buchner funnel and the whole sample of stream sediment...
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 1.755 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1184

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