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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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Friction and Sliding of Joints

Methods of measuring the frictional properties of rock surfaces, both by direct sliding and in triaxial apparatus, are described. It was found that for some rocks the coefficient of friction remains reasonably constant as sliding is continued but for others it increases considerably.The effect of fluid pressure in the surface of sliding was found in all cases to be adequately represented by the effective stress criterion. Some observations on sliding on two conjugate planes showed that the motion on the two planes may be very different, depending on small differences in the constraints.The coefficients of friction of natural open joints in bore core were found to lie in the comparatively narrow range 0.32 to O.68 although surface coatings were very diverse.A set of diagrams on the equal area projection is given which enables a rapid determination to be made of those planes on which sliding is possible in a given three-dimensional stress field. The influence of the intermediate principal stress on this is of considerable importance.
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 0.274 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1193

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