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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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On-Stream Analysis for Lead in Flotation Feed Pulps at North Broken Hill Ltd.

The lead concentration of flotation feed ore slurries is determined using two -ray absorption gauges mounted directly on a 6 in. diameter flotation feed pipeline. One gauge is a conventional "density" gauge using CS137. The other is a "lead-sensitive" gauge, which depends on the preferential absorption. by lead of 225 key y-rays resulting from Compton backscatter of CS137 y-rays.Gauge outputs are combined using an analogue computer the output signal of which is directly proportional to the lead concentration of the pulp. The accuracy of measurement of the pulp lead concentration is_x000D_
36 per cent for ore slurries with lead concentrations in the range 0'07-016 g/c.c. and pulp densities 1.43-1.60 g/c.c.This paper sets out the development of the technique and details are given of the two experiments (1964, 1966) conducted in the plant at North Broken Hill Limited. The installation of the two-gauge system inthe plant during May 1968 is described. Details are given of the calibration technique used and the results obtained.
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 1.477 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1198

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