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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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Spectrophotometric Determination of Z-200 (Isopropyl Ethylthionocarbamate) in Flotation Liquors

The ultraviolet spectrum of isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate (the principal constituent of Dow flotation collector Z-200) in water and of Z-200 itself in water was found to have an absorption peak at 242 nanometers(nm). The height of this peak was found to be directly proportional to isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate concentrations up to 15 p.p.m. Z-200 contains about 90 per cent isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate and the heightof the peak was proportionately lower, but obeyed the straight line relationship up to 15 p.p.m. This showed the potential value of spectrophotometric measurements for the determination of Z-200 residuals in flotation liquors.Methyl ethyldithiocarbamate (an impurity in Z-200) increased the peak height slightly, but other impurities in Z-200, xanthates, and most inorganic salts present in flotation liquors do not interfere. However nitrate ion and thiosulphate ion have absorption peaks which overlap the isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate peak.The simplest general method to overcome this effect is to extract the isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate into cyclohexane and to measure the absorbance of the extract.The maximum absorbance of the cydohexane extract was at 247 nm and the peak height at this wavelength was found to be directly proportional to the isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate or Z-200 concentration in the original aqueous solution. An alternative method is to measure the spectrum of the original aqueous solution using the aqueous raffinate from extraction as a reference solution. This gives the spectrum due to isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate alone and measurement of the absorbance at 242 nm gives the concentration in the original aqueous solution. Both methods give the same value for the concentration of isopropyl ethylthionocarbamate in the original solution.
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 1.021 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1208

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