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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1969

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Stratiform Basic Bodies Within The Yilmia Ophiolites, Western Australia

The authors describe two stratiform intrusions within a two miles thick ophiolite belt, one of the many ophiolite (serpentine) belts of the eugeosynclinal sequences of the Kalgoorlie System (metamorphic age c.2700 million years). Unusually good evidence of gravitational differentiation involving cumulates for an Alpine type peridotite-gabbro intrusion has been obtained, in spite of modifications of the original igneous rocks imposed by regional metamorphism. Unmetamorphosed relics of cumulate rocks are a surprising feature of this occurIfence.'fhe differentiation process reflected in the layered sequences is compared to that of the Stillwater Intrusion, Montana. Phase, cryptic and rhythmic layering are recognized. The economic significance of this study lies not only in the possibility of nickel mineralization in this ophiolite belt, but also in that much detailed information on the nature of these belts, which is difficult to obtain in the case of the more altered and sheared rocks of the belts carrying gold and nickel ore deposits nearby, is gathered from the Yilmia occurrences.
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  • Published: 1968
  • PDF Size: 3.681 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1969_1210

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