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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1971

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1971

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The Condensation of Aluminum Chloride Vapour in a Stirred-Bed Condenser

Applications of chlorine metallurgy to the extraction of metals often result in the production of volatile metallic chlorides, most of which condense directly to a solid phase at 1 atm pressure. A stirred-bed condenser suitable for the recovery of these materials is described.The unit, developed from the concept of a fluid bed condenser, has the advantages of versatility of operation and ability to control fog and dust formation. Test work using aluminium chloride vapour (as an example of a volatile chloride) gave recoveries approaching 100 per cent. The yield was dependent upon halide content of the vapour, flowrate, and, to a lesser extent, upon coolant temperature. Analysis of the heat transfer dataindicated condensation side coefficients in the range 10 to 30 B.T.U./hr sq. ft. 0p.
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  • Published: 1970
  • PDF Size: 0.138 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1971_1292

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