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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

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Papers in collection

  • Optmization of Copper Electrowinning at High Current Densities Go to Paper
  • A Study of Results of the VLF-EM Method of Prospecting in Australia and Papua Go to Paper
  • Aerial Infrared Photography as a Guide to Geological Conditions Go to Paper
  • Calcining Aluminum Trihydrate in a Circulating Fluid Bed, A new Technique Go to Paper
  • Determination of Antimony in Ores by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Go to Paper
  • Electrochemistry of Sulphide Flotation Go to Paper
  • Electrowinning of Copper at High Current Densities Go to Paper
  • Electrowinning of Lead Directly From Galena Go to Paper
  • Geological and Mineralogical Observations During Exploration in the Mount Coffin Diapir Region, S.A. Go to Paper
  • Investigation of the Cementation of Copper on Iron Go to Paper
  • Late Cainozoic Uplift of the Ediacara Range, South Australia Go to Paper
  • Metallogenic Provinces and District in the Tasman Orogenic Zone of Eastern Australia Go to Paper
  • Nickel-Iron Exchange in Pyrrhotite Go to Paper
  • Phosphate-Bonded Zircon Refractories Go to Paper
  • Reactions in the Cryolite-Silica System Go to Paper
  • Statistical Evaluation of the Seam Sequences of Some Australian Permian and Triassic Coals Go to Paper
  • The Design of Blends for the Production of Metallurgical Coke with Particular Reference to Long Term Aspects of Using New South Wales Coals Go to Paper
  • The Extraction Nickel from Nickel Sulphides and Nickeliferous Laterites Using Chlorinated Paraffins Go to Paper
  • The Geology of the Chinaman Creek Disseminated Copper Prospect, Near Mount Perry, South-East Queensland Go to Paper
  • The Gradation from Amphibolite to Potosi Gneiss in the Broken Hill Mine Sequence Go to Paper
  • The Hydrogen Reduction of Iron Oxides in Calcined Bauxite Go to Paper
  • The Improved Detection of Geochemical Soil Anomalies by Multiple Regression Analysis of Biochemical Data Go to Paper
  • The McArthur Lead-Zinc-Silver Deposit, N.T. Go to Paper
  • The Oxidation of Aqueous Ferrous Sulphate Solutions by Molecular Oxygen Go to Paper
  • The Stratigraphic and Metamorphic Sequence of Mount Isa, and Associated Igneous Intrusions Go to Paper
  • The Structure of the Rosebery Ore Deposit, Tasmania Go to Paper
  • Thermodynamic and Phase Diagram of the Lead-Lead Sulphide Binary System Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1971
  • Unique ID: PA-Proc1972

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